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One year of Tinubu’s administration, a tragedy – Bugaje – Africa Health Report
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One year of Tinubu’s administration, a tragedy – Bugaje

John Nwokocha

By Wednesday, May 29, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu would have spent 365 days since he came to power. As it is said, one year in office.  As it is expected Nigerians have started assessing the administration against its mantra of Renewed Hope. The exercise, apart from being a norm, is to objectively score the government in performance across the sectors. Over the past years, the celebration of leaders’ first one year in office was moments for joy and excitement for the entire populace. The leaders had achievements to celebrate. They people had dividends of trusting power to the leaders they can point at. It is not so true today. Prominent and ordinary citizens of Nigeria have scored the Tinubu-led government as it celebrating its one year anniversary.

If the spontaneous comments made by discerning Nigerians about this government represents the views of Nigerians, then it is quite clear that overwhelming majority has lost faith in this government.

Some have said in summary, the country is moving from bad to worse.

President Obasanjo

For former President Olusegun Obasanjo, Tinubu’s economic policies are implemented wrongly.

The former president scored the Tinubu-led administration based on three decisions of the administration which include, fuel subsidy, exchange rates and the dealing with military coup in Niger Republic.

According to Obasanjo Tinubu’s policies on fuel subsidy removal and exchange rates are “wrongly implemented.”

Obasanjo’s assessment of one year in office of Tinubu’s government is contained in a statement issued on Sunday by his media aide, Kehinde Akinyemi, in Abeokuta.

The former president spoke at a Colloquium titled: “Nigeria’s Development: Navigating the Way Out of the Current Economic Crisis and Insecurity” delivered at the Paul Aje Colloquium (PAC) in Abuja.

Obasanjo said, “the present Administration has not found the right way to handle the economy to engender confidence and trust for investors to start trooping in.

“Today, the government has taken three decisions, two of which are necessary but wrongly implemented and have led to impoverization of the economy and of Nigerians. These are removal of subsidy, closing the gap between black market and official rates of exchange and the third is dealing with a military coup in Niger Republic.

“The way forward is production and productivity which belief and trust in government leadership will engender. No shortcut to economic progress but hard work and sweat.

“Economy does not obey orders, not even military orders. I know that. If we get it right, in two years, we will begin to see the light beyond the tunnel. It requires a change of characteristics, attributes and attitude by the leadership at all levels to gain the confidence and trust of investors who have alternatives.

“Total Energy has gone to invest 6 billion dollars in Angola instead of Nigeria. If the truth must be stated, the present Administration has not found the right way to handle the economy to engender confidence and trust for investors to start trooping in.

“They know us more than we know ourselves. And now they are laughing at us, not taking us seriously. We have to present ourselves in such a way that we will be taken seriously. If the existing investors are disinvesting and going out of our country, how do we persuade new investors to rush in. We can be serious if we choose to be but we need to change from transactional leadership in government to transformational and genuine servant leadership.

“With change by us, the investors will give us the benefit of doubt, and security being taken care of on a sustainable long-term basis, they will start to test the water. With the right economic policies, attributes of integrity and honesty of purpose, all should be well with all hands on deck and the government becoming a catalyst for development, growth and progress.

“tinkering with the exchange rate is not the answer. The answer is consistency and continuity in policy to ensure stability and predictability. That way, we will be sure of incentivizing domestic and foreign investment. There must be honesty and transparency in government dealings and contracts and not lying with deception about these issues. When the government is seen as pursuing the right policy, the private sector will go for production and productivity.”

Usman Bugaje

“tragedy” for Nigeria and its citizens”. This was how Dr Usman Bugaje couched his assessment of President Bola Tinubu’s first year in office.

An elder statesman, Bugaje x-rayed the administration’s policies further, asserting, it failed to address any of the numerous challenges facing the country over the past one year.

He puts his assessment of the administration categorically, “As a people and as citizens, clearly, the last year has been a tragedy. There is no one problem they have been able to solve. So, I cannot see any other than low-key, I mean I give them a sense, they’re feeling the pressure, they can see the faces of Nigerians and perhaps they are trying to see how they can assuage this anger because the people are angry.”

Bugaje also noted that the policies initiated by Tinubu’s administration have exacerbated existing problems rather than alleviating them.

“And in this one year, they have clearly thrown people in the dark without… and this is the time really to admit and then seek help from those who know and Nigeria is full of people with the knowledge, the expertise and they may not be in your party and may not even be in politics.

“But this is the way that many countries have been able to get out of problems they found themselves.

“And what we are going through is not new, countries have gone through this from time to time. And what do they do? They draw from their resources, intellectual and administrative resources with people who have experiences, this country is full of them. But you see, they locked themselves up and they are not delivering. I feel uncomfortable discussing this without even defining the metrics.

“We, as a nation, should have by now developed metrics for evaluating governance. In the academic circle,… and there are statistics.”

He made this assertion while appearing on Channels Television’s Politics Today to evaluate the performance of Tinubu’s government in its inaugural year. But he is not alone.

High Expectations and Dashed Hopes

Many Nigerians share same views. For many, it is high expectation, and dashed hope.

Dele Sobowale

“With respect to sustainable food security, Nigeria is among the worst nations”, Dele Sobowale asserts. He reasons, “Advances in food security for any nation have never depended on the vast majority of Professors of Agriculture; who frequently are purveyors of conventional thought.

“The world has benefited greatly from those thinking outside the box.

“For Nigeria, the time is less than a quarter to midnight; and all our Professors in Agriculture have no ideas to rescue us”.

Sobowale, an Economist and veteran social economic analyst continues, “Our national predicament went from bad to worse when the Accountant General of the Federation, AGF, disclosed that the FG collected N320 billion revenue in the first quarter, Q1, of this year – instead of the N2.1 trillion budgeted. Thus, a government which had generated N1.8 trillion deficit, and which had been borrowing recklessly, still considered it wise to give away thirty per cent of its miserable earnings to fund a jamboree for a very small percentage of Nigerians”.

Cost of foodstuffs

Amidst all these the cost of foodstuffs is rising in Nigeria. Take for instance, staple foods such as garri, rice, tomatoes prices are soaring.

A recent survey by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), reported a significant rise in the prices of essential food items in Nigeria.

The report indicated that the average cost of 1 kilogram of local rice rose to ₦1,399.34 last month, marking a 3.47 percent rise from ₦1,340.74 in March.

This marks a year-on-year increase of 155.93 percent from ₦546.76 in April 2023.

Similarly, the average price of 1kg of Garri white, sold loose, surged by 134.98 percent on a year-on-year basis, climbing from ₦362.50 in April 2023 to ₦851.81 in April 2024. On a month-on-month basis, the price increased by 13.59 percent from ₦749.89 in March 2024.

Tomato prices also experienced a sharp rise, with the average price of 1kg increasing by 131.58 percent from ₦485.10 in April 2023 to ₦1,123.41 in April 2024. There was a 17.06 percent increase from ₦959.68 in March 2024.

Deplorable Health Situation

Also, cost of medicines in the country has surged to all time high from the previous year.

is no more affordable since the past one year.

Weakning Power of Naira

Tinubu’s efforts to strengthen the naira-nation’s currency have yielded little result. The naira has remained weak and failed to gain investors’ confidence.

Unfortunately, across the sectors the government cannot honestly point out where it has recorded great achievements. Since the past one year air fares have surged. In the housing sector rents have become unaffordable to many Nigerians.

Humanitarian and Poverty Alleviation

On social welfare for the people , its various social safety programmes, like the ‘Cash Transfer’, appears to be at the experimental stage, while hardship pervades the entire country. Meanwhile, the administration inherited some of the poverty alleviation programmes from the previous administration. It is not clear if the government has not jettisioned the schemes. However, poverty and hardship are widespread across the country as inflation continues to rise.  The government is struggling to live up to its promises to better the lives of the citizens.

The economy is not promising. It is disheartening that the administration which promised to renew hope is shattering the masses’ expectation.

Press Repression Records

Unfortunately, it records on press freedom is not impressive. Under the Tinubu-led administration, attack on journalists in Nigeria is alarming. Journalists in the country now work with fear for their lives because of increasing cases of journalists’ harassment, intimidation and attacks. The abuses and detention of journalists under this administration has matched the nation’srecords of abuses suffered by the press during the dark days of arbitrary arrests by military dictatorship, when juntas randomly detained journalists, shut down media houses, and proscribed publications.

Since May 29, 2023, violations of journalists’ rights have pointed the administration’s love for highhandedness. The journalists perform their mandate to hold government to account, while constantly reminding themselves of the red lines this administration has established. The attack and other violations of journalists’ rights in the country today manifested in the detention without trial of Segun Olatunji, Editor of FirstNews online newspaper. Olatunji spent 14 days in military custody and was handled like a condemned criminal. Precious Eze, Daniel Ojukwu of FIJ and Madu Onuora are among professionals harassed by the Nigeria Police, the Department of State Services, and other state agents under this administration. Olatunji was abducted by military troops in his home in Lagos, in March. In May 1, Ojukwu was whisked away from the strret in Lagos by policemen who transferred him to Abuja. And for 10 days his family and colleagues did not know his whereabouts. Onuora was arrested in the presence of his wife and children in his house at Lugbe, Abuja, by police men, last Thursday. He has not regained his freedom. There are other unreported cases of abuse of journalists in carrying out their duties. It is clear that there is growing threat to press freedom under this administration. But no society can make progress without a free press. The media is the Fourth Estate of the Realm with constitutional roles to promote democracy, among others. But under authoritarian government charaterised by repression, attack against journalists, harassment and arrests the people and the society suffer and reap underdevelopment.

The government did not make officials statements with respect to the allegation of press repression.

Yet, Tinubu’s men dominate all branches of power, both elected and unelected.

The remaining three years to complete its four years term the Tinubu’s administration will be the focus of intense interest.


Tinubu: From High Expectations to Dashed Hopes          


Tinubu’s One Year in Office: Nigerians Speak


Ogbodo Ozioma Favour


Nigerians react across all sectors concerning Tinubu’s performance in one year in office -May 29th 2024.

Mr Obafemi Fayemi, a worker in the Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN) emphasizes that the Government has been actively working in terms of policies especially when it comes to finances. The current administration has not taken any loan in the past year, he affirmed.

‘Inflation is only possible because of the kind of market system we operate in Nigeria, which is the free market”. He said

Senator Senator Iroegbu, A Security Analyst expresses his thoughts on Tinubu’s one year in office, stating that this present administration is to yet have a well-defined economic and security policy.

“my thoughts on President Tinubu’s one year in office. As a Nigerian, I must say that my assessment of his administration so far is average at best, with a policy approach that seems to be hit-and-miss.

Before Tinubu’s administration, I had concerns about his ability to lead a complex country like Nigeria, given his age and health issues. I also worried about his ability to be a “present president” who could lead from the front, unlike his predecessor. However, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and hoped that his worst would be better than where Buhari left Nigeria.

Now, after one year, my concerns about his ability to be hands-on and lead from the front have been proven right, given his frequent medical vacations and absences from duty. However, I must acknowledge that he has shown remarkable improvement healthwise, which is a positive development.

Unfortunately, I am yet to see a well-defined economic and security policy from his administration. The monetary policies have been struggling, with trials and errors, and there is no commensurate effort from the fiscal side. The security situation remains a major concern, with no cogent blueprint to respond to the myriad of killings, abductions, and crimes across the country.

While there have been some positive developments in infrastructure, especially in the FCT, other projects like the Lagos-Calabar highway have been marred by politics and controversy. Additionally, the anti-corruption agenda has not been effectively implemented, with many cases of frivolities, overloaded expenditure, and extravagant lifestyle funding of public officials, as well as questionable projects that seem like misplaced priorities.

As a Nigerian, survival has been tough, but we remain hopeful and resilient. However, the issues of inflation, depreciating value of the naira, and ridiculously low purchasing power of Nigerians are huge concerns that need to be addressed urgently.

Miss Ibukun Ajibola, a teacher. Concerning the President’s one year administration, there are slight differences with the previous administration which is, the hike in prices of goods and services owing to the fact of subsidy removal. Hunger is on the rise and the prices of essential commodities like rice, pepper is on the hike.  The Government should ensure that prices of goods and services are taken down to minimal.

Mr Obinna. A trader in Garik laments, stating that present administration policies are shambles coupled with tax increment and he misses the previous administration.

‘This administration so far so good is absolutely nonsense. Clueless leader with the only instinct of killing his people with tax, I miss the previous administration”. He said.

Prices Of Essential Commodities Before May 29th 2024

A mudu of yellow garri is currently sold at N1500 and it was sold at N600 last year before the current administration resumes power likewise a mudu of rice is currently sold at N2800 and it was sold at N1500 last year while a basket of fresh tomatoes currently sold at N5000, last year, it was sold for 2500 crate of eggs is sold at N3500 and it was sold got N1500 while a mudu of sugar is sold at N3500, previously sold for N1200.

A full chicken is currently sold at N7000 and  it was previously sold at N3500 before this administration

AHR interviewed some groups of students. A student from Ekiti State University, Mr. Adekunle Johnson laments on how he could not access the student portal as he is in a state school couple with the fact that he’s currently having a hard time completing his current fees.

A student, Mr. Elisha from The Federal University of Technology of Minna told AHR in an interview, I will be happy if the student loan portal really functions as stipulated by the Government.


President Tinubu’s Foreign Travels and Health Journey


Juliet Jacob


Since assuming office on May 29, 2023, President Bola Tinubu has made over 15 foreign trips, averaging just under two per month. These trips have been a strategic part of efforts to keep him in good health and his administration’s efforts to attract foreign investment and enhance Nigeria’s global standing.

Reports indicate that the president has spent at least 3.4 billion naira ($2.2 million) on travel in his first six months, exceeding the budgeted amount for 2023 by 36%.

Bola Tinubu’s Medical Travels: A Global Health Journey

President Bola Tinubu, a longstanding figure in Nigerian politics, has faced significant health challenges over the years, necessitating international medical trips. His medical travels highlight the complexities of managing health while holding a critical public office and underscore the limitations of Nigeria’s healthcare system.

United Kingdom: A Frequent Destination

The United Kingdom, particularly London, has been a frequent destination for Tinubu’s medical treatments. In 2021, he spent several months in London for surgery and post-operative care, drawing significant media attention and raising questions about the transparency of his health issues.

United States: Seeking Advanced Medical Care

Tinubu has also sought medical care in the United States, attracted by its advanced medical facilities. Although specific details of his treatments in the US are not widely disclosed, these visits highlight the reliance of Nigerian leaders on foreign medical expertise.

France: A European Medical Hub

France, with its world-renowned hospitals and clinics in Paris, has also been a stop for Tinubu. Reports in 2021 indicated that he traveled to Paris for medical reasons, adding another European destination to his health journey.

 Nigeria: Local Medical Attention

Despite his international travels, Tinubu has also sought medical attention within Nigeria. However, the local healthcare system’s significant challenges often compel high-ranking officials to seek care abroad.

Implications and Public Perception

Tinubu’s frequent medical travels highlight the disparity in healthcare quality between Nigeria and the countries he visits. This situation underscores the urgent need for healthcare reforms in Nigeria. The lack of transparency about these trips often leads to public speculation and mistrust, emphasizing the need for greater disclosure about his health status and related expenses.


Presidential Travels: A Timeline


June 2023

– Paris, Attended a two-day climate summit.


– United Kingdom, Engaged in private talks with his predecessor.


July 2023

– Guinea-Bissau, Attended an ECOWAS meeting.


– Kenya, Traveled to Nairobi.


August 2023

– Benin, Official visit.


September 2023

– India, UAE, and USA ,Attended the UN General Assembly before returning to Paris.


October 2023

-No international travel.


November 2023

– Saudi Arabia, Guinea-Bissau, and Germany, Official visits.

– Dubai, Attended the COP28 climate conference.

Economic Justification and Criticism

The Nigerian presidency has justified these trips as essential for securing foreign investments. President Tinubu emphasized that Nigeria is open for business, though his administration has faced criticism for the high costs associated with these travels. In response to public backlash and economic challenges, Tinubu announced a travel ban for government officials starting in April 2024, requiring his approval for any necessary foreign trips.

Benefits to Nigerians

Qatar Agreements

During a meeting with the Emir of Qatar, seven bilateral agreements were signed, covering education, employment, youth and sports development, tourism, and combating illicit trade.

Paris Summit

At the New Global Financing Pact summit in Paris, Tinubu secured commitments from major financial institutions like the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Africa Development Bank for increased investment in Nigeria.

Renewed Hope Agenda: Social Safety Nets and Impact

Poverty Alleviation and Cash Transfers

The Renewed Hope Conditional Cash Transfer program aims to support 15 million households, providing financial assistance to the poor and vulnerable.

N-Power and Skill Acquisition

Targeting five million young Nigerians over five years, these programs aim to enhance skills and employability.

Shelter and Support for the Displaced

The Renewed Hope Shelter Programme focuses on providing housing for one million households, including refugees and internally displaced persons.

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)

With 75 billion naira allocated to support 100,000 SMEs and start-ups, additional programs target two million market women, farmers, and traders.

School Feeding and Education

The Renewed Hope National Home Grown School Feeding Programme provides meals for 10 million school children, while the Alternate School Programme supports 10 million out-of-school children.

Community Development

Grassroot projects under the Renewed Hope Community and Social Development Programme aim to improve local infrastructure and services.

Administration and Oversight

The Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation, initially led by Dr. Betta Edu, was responsible for implementing these programs. However, Dr. Edu was recently suspended due to allegations of financial misconduct, with the Permanent Secretary, Abel Olumuyiwa Enitan, appointed to oversee the ministry pending an EFCC investigation.

This special report provides an overview of President Bola Tinubu’s foreign travels and health journey, illustrating the broader implications for Nigeria’s healthcare system and the economic and social impacts of his administration’s initiatives.



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