Ondo worst hit in S’West by exit of doctors, health workers –NMA


The Nigerian Medical Association (NMA), Ondo State chapter, has disclosed that the state is themostaffectedintheSouth West by brain drain of medical professionals. Dr Stella Adegbehingbe, the association’s chairperson, claimed that doctors and other healthcare professionals had been quitting in record numbers due to what she called unfavourable working conditions. While lamenting over the development in a press conference to herald the Annual General Meeting of the association, Adegbehingbe, said thatirregularsalarypayment had beenoneof themajor factors contributing to the issue.

Her words: “The issue of brain drain it is something that is very massive, and it is not only in Ondo State, though Ondo State is the worst in the South West region; and in the national and the state body we have been on it, engaging the government. “Wecouldrecallthatatthe beginningof myassumption in office there were several strikes because of the issue of salary, and that was our appeal at the beginning that government should at least look for a way in addressing the health sector issues because once they start leaving itwould bedifficulttogetthem back.

“So, we have been engaging them; we wrote several letters, and that has led to the exodus of doctors and they are still leaving; and not only doctors alone, health workers generally. “I have saiditseveraltimes that the only solution is the regular payment of salary. Colleagues are complaining bitterly, every morning I do receive calls on this and after they have made the complaints they will say, chairman, I can’t wait again, I’m leaving. And that is the main cause. “Weevensaidthatwewant to employ, but people were not coming because we are the only state in the South West region that is not being paid, so they will rather prefer to go to other states like Osun, Oyo, Ekiti, Ogun, among others.

It would be difficult for Ondo government to get health personnel employed.” Speaking onthe highnumber of deaths being recorded in teaching hospitals, Dr Adegbehingbe said: “We have issues with personnel; another is that before patients will be presented in the hospital, some would have used many things like wrong drugs.

“So when they come it is already a bad case. So we are appealing to people that once they have any health challenges, they should come to the hospital on time instead of trying to treat themselves.” On her achievements as NMA chair in the state, she said: “We have been able to assist a lot of our members on the issues of welfare, and now have a functioning website where we have been able to document our history.”




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