Nigerian Woman Emerges Best Immunology PhD Student In UK Varsity


A Nigerian woman, Halima Ali Shuwa, who studied Immunology at the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, has emerged the Best Doctorate student of the year at the institution.

Dr Shuwa, who is on scholarship funded by the Nigeria’s Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF), revealed the development on her LinkedIn page.

She wrote on her LinkedIn page: “Yes. I was awarded PGR (post graduate research) student of the year by the University of Manchester Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health in the UK.

“Euphoria is what I’ll describe this feeling. This feels so unreal.

“Huge thanks to Petroleum Technology Development Fund and Nigerian government for giving someone like me the opportunity to thrive and become the best version of myself. Words aren’t enough.

“Thanks to The University of Manchester Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health and the Doctoral Academy Manchester for this honor, and big thanks to Prof Tracy Hussell and Dr Madhvi Menon for your mentorship, guidance, encouragement and friendship.”

She further wrote: “I dedicate this to my parents Alh Ali Shuwa and late Haj Binta Ali Shuwa (God, I hope I make them proud), my brother Iliyasu Ali Shuwa (my go to person of all time), my husband Mukhtar Maikusurwa (your love, support, friendship and company kept me sane through all this, I love you so much.

“The entire Ali Shuwa family and all my family and friends for all the support, encouragement and prayers you’ve showered me with.”

She got her Bachelor’s degree in Medical Laboratory Science (BMLS) at University of Maiduguri, Borno State and Master’s degree in Immunology at Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto State.

She then won a Petroleum Technology Development Fund overseas scholarship award in 2018 to travel to the UK for her Doctorate degree.


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