Hijab: IMAN hails Supreme Court, urges compliance with judgment


THE Islamic Medical Association of Nigeria (IMAN) has commended the judgment of the Supreme Court over the use of hijab in public schools, describing it as long-awaited and landmark.

The apex court recently affirmed the use of hijab as a constitutional right in the case between the Lagos State government and Asiyat AbdulKareem, after a similar ruling by the Appeal Court in favour of hijab.

In a statement by its national president, Professor Ibrahim Oreagba, IMAN said: “The judgment of the Supreme Court on hijab is a remarkable one. It is indeed long-awaited.

“IMAN joins other Muslim organisations and individuals to welcome and celebrate this judgment. It puts an end to the back-and-forth debate on the use of hijab in public institutions.

Despite the fact that the constitution is clear on the matter of freedom of thought, conscience and religion, some overzealous persons have harassed our Muslim sisters over the divinely ordained hijab. This will no longer be acceptable.

“We especially declare that the ruling of the Supreme Court must be applied in our various nursing schools across the country. The nursing school is part of the institutions where cases of hijab denial and harassments have been recorded.

“IMAN uses this medium to urge the concerned authorities to take note of the judgment. We will continue to monitor activities of nursing schools and ensure the implementation of this judgment. Any violation will be fought with every legal means possible.”

The association commended the efforts of the Muslim lawyers and the Muslim Students’ Society of Nigeria (MSSN) in pursuing the case to a logical conclusion, praying Almighty Allah to reward everyone who participated in the struggle abundantly.

“We especially salute the courage of Ms Asiyah AbdulKareem and her family. We also remember our late legendary father, Chief Gani Adetola-Kazeem, who championed this beautiful cause till he met the Lord. We pray Allah to forgive his shortcomings, be with his household and count this feat among his righteous deeds.

“IMAN encourages all Muslim sisters out there not to be intimidated any longer in wearing their hijab and in practising their religion.

“We have the ruling of the Supreme Court in our favour. The implication is that any violator of the hijab right will bear the brunt of the law.”

Professor Oreagba, however, urged Muslim students to face their studies and make the ummah proud so as to break all the myths and misinformation surrounding Islam and Muslims.


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