
Women sexual desires naturally change over time. Highs and lows of a woman sexual desires are frequently associated with the start or end of a relationship, as well as major life changes such as pregnancy, menopause, or illness. Everyone has times when they want to have sex and times when they would rather not. However, if you have a consistent loss of interest or no interest in sexual activities, you may have a desire disorder. It is unusual to want to have sex all the time, also what is going on in your life at any given time can certainly influence your libido and sexual desires. Being actively bothered by your sexual absence, on the other hand, could be a symptom of Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD).

Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is a type of sexual dysfunction that prevents people from having sexual pleasure. In the case of HSDD, it causes a lack of sexual desire or the absence of sexual desire. Some people have HSDD for the rest of their lives, while others develop it later in life, even if they previously had a healthy and joyful sex life. People with HSDD have few or no sexual ideas or fantasies, do not respond to their partner’s sexual cues or suggestions, lose desire for sex while having it, or avoid it entirely.


Although HSDD is a very common condition, it is rarely identified. The following are some of the signs and symptoms of HSDD:

  • Reduced or complete inability to maintain interest or desire in sexual activity for at least 6 months
  • Wanting to have sex much less than your partner does to a point it causes distress in the relationship
  • Having no interest in any type of sexual activity with your partner
  • Never or rarely having sexual thoughts or fantasies
  • Being concerned about your lack of sex drive or sexual thoughts and fantasies


Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder may be caused by:

  • Anxiety or depression: People with anxiety disorders are more likely to experience sexual dysfunction, such as HSDD. Anxiety can prevent women from getting lubricated enough to have sex, and it can take away the physical desire to make love.
  • Relationship issues: When a relationship suffers, so does sex drive. Sexual intimacy requires closeness in the relationship for many people, particularly women. If your relationship is having problems, you may notice a decrease in sex drive. If there are any unresolved conflicts, lack of communication, regular arguing, adultery, loss of trust, or miscommunication between couples, one of the partners may develop a low sex drive.
  • Lifestyle habits: While a glass of wine may make you feel better, too much alcohol can impair your sexual urge. The same can be said about illegal drugs. Furthermore, smoking reduces blood flow, which might reduce arousal.
  • Age: As a woman approaches menopause, her estrogen levels begin to fall. Low estrogen (female hormone) levels in women may cause reduced libido, which is a typical phenomenon as women age.
  • Low self-esteem:  Low self-esteem and feelings of hopelessness may also contribute to sexual dysfunction. Low sexual self-esteem can be caused by variety of circumstances, including a history of emotional, physical, sexual abuse or sexual humiliation, or being called sexually derogatory terms. If you believe you are unattractive because of your weight, age, skin color, or other characteristics, you may have low sexual self-esteem. Even those who adhere to society’s definition of “beautiful” may struggle with sexual self-esteem issues because of internal or external pressures.
  • Stress: Stress has a bad impact on every aspect of our life, including your sexual drive. Stress has been shown in several studies to raise cortisol levels. Sex drive may be reduced because of this increase.
  • Tiredness: Low sex drive might be caused by exhaustion from caring for small children or aged parents. Low sex drive may also be caused by fatigue from illness or surgery.
  • Sexual abuse or trauma from the past: People who have been raped or sexually assaulted may have a difficult time being sexually active, and some may also develop sexual disorders.
  • Hormonal imbalance: You might experience low sexual drive when your hormones are imbalanced.
  • Medical problems: such as Cancer, Diabetes, Heart disease, Multiple sclerosis, and Bladder issues can all reduce one’s sexual desire and may result in sexual desire disorder.
  • Certain medications: Antidepressants, antipsychotics, blood pressure medications, chemotherapy, feminizing hormone therapy, and various oral contraceptives have all been linked to the development of HSDD.
  • Menopause:  During a woman’s transition into menopause, estrogen levels tend to diminish. This might result in vaginal dryness and a loss of sexual interest. Painful intercourse is also a result of vaginal dryness.
  • Recent pregnancy, delivery, and breastfeeding: Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and the postpartum period may sometimes diminish a woman’s sex drive. Sexual desire is also lowered as a result of fatigue and body image concerns. This may also operate in the reverse direction if the male partner is experiencing sexual aversion because of their spouse’s pregnancy and lactation (breast feeding) ………………….. TO BE CONTINUED


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